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【网络讲座】Bernd Schroers:The Geometry of Chiral Magnetic Skyrmions(时间6.18)

发布时间:2020-06-12 17:46:00

讲座人:Bernd Schroers, 英国赫瑞-瓦特大学教授


讲座地点:ZOOM ID :2100898623 密 码:123456



报告摘要:Magnetic skyrmions are topological solitons which occur in a large class of magnetic materials and which are currently attracting much attention in the condensed matter community because of their possible use in future magnetic information storage technology. This talk is about the geometry underlying the theory of chiral magnetic skyrmions, and in particular the observation that mathematical models for chiral skyrmions can be re-written as non-abelian gauged sigma-models. For particular critical values of the coupling parameters they can be solved exactly in terms of holomorphic data. I will explain the gauge-theoretical interpretation and show that the exact solutions can also be used to obtain new numerical solutions away from critical coupling.

      Bernd Schroers, 英国赫瑞-瓦特大学教授,Bernd 1993年在剑桥大学获得博士学位。1993-1995年在达勒姆大学、阿姆斯特丹大学做博士后,1995-1999年在爱丁堡大学做EPSRC高级研究员,2000年加盟英国赫瑞-瓦特大学。他的主要研究领域是数学物理,目前的研究兴趣和项目包括:非交换几何在量子引力中的作用,量子场论中的孤子-如非交换磁单极子、旋涡和Skyrmions等。Bernd已发表50余篇学术论文,主要成果发表在JHEP, Phys. Rev. Lett., Commun. Math. Phys., Lett. Math. Phys., Nonlinearity, Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A等学术刊物上。

下一篇:【网络讲座】数学与统计学院学术报告会:Modeling and Analysis of Non-markovian Reaction Systems等(时间6.14)

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